Like every morning, I was listening to my favorite Jazz radio station in which the compère was interviewing Jean-Loup Chiflet about a new edition of his famous book: "Sky my Husband!".
To begin with, as a matter of interest, they were punning a lot and speaking about a song "Quand les saints ont marché dedans".
The point is that despite the song played by Louis Armstrong, I needed 5-10 minutes to understand and appreciate all of the funny side of it! I don't know if I was laughing for the pun or for the delay needed but I couldn't help laughing for many minutes!
The author said the project was nothing serious in 1985 but nowadays, after decades, the book was advised by English teachers because it helped learn English expressions.
Author's bio:
Apparently "Sky my Husband" is far more than a book:
- it's also a board game ->! / /
- a cocktail ->
Regarding the book, here are a few links:
- €4 ->
- a copy of words and expressions -> funny! go read that page!
To begin with, as a matter of interest, they were punning a lot and speaking about a song "Quand les saints ont marché dedans".
The point is that despite the song played by Louis Armstrong, I needed 5-10 minutes to understand and appreciate all of the funny side of it! I don't know if I was laughing for the pun or for the delay needed but I couldn't help laughing for many minutes!
The author said the project was nothing serious in 1985 but nowadays, after decades, the book was advised by English teachers because it helped learn English expressions.
Author's bio:
( )Biographie de Jean-Loup Chiflet
Passionné par les expressions idiomatiques, les nuances, les difficultés grammaticales et les aberrations de la langue française, Jean-Loup Chiflet - 'John-Wolf Whistle' - est écrivain et éditeur. Son objectif, qui consiste à s'instruire en s'amusant, lui vaut un immense succès depuis des années. Il a écrit le fameux 'Sky my husband !', regard humoristique sur la traduction du français à l'anglais, 'J' ai un mot à vous dire', qui met en scène un mot qui raconte sa vie, de sa naissance dans une clinique à l'occasion d'une opération du larynx jusqu'à sa mort, 'Le Cafard laqué' ou 'Le Mokimanké, le dictionnaire des mots qui existent enfin', après 'Le Dictionnaire des mots qui n'existent pas' et 'Mais que fait l'Académie ? Le Dictionnaire des mots qui devraient exister'. Ses livres, pleins d'humour et de finesse, étonnent et enchantent les amoureux de la langue, française ou étrangère. Jean-Loup Chiflet a créé sa propre maison d'édition : Mots et Cie.
Apparently "Sky my Husband" is far more than a book:
- it's also a board game ->! / /
- a cocktail ->
Regarding the book, here are a few links:
- €4 ->
- a copy of words and expressions -> funny! go read that page!
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