
mardi 17 mai 2011

How to Stop and Smell the Flowers

'Stop and smell the flowers', is a saying that is really not related to flowers at all. It is a reminder, a message, for each of us, to stop rushing, stop working late, time passes quickly. Stop and enjoy the day, the moment and the minute. Each minute that you miss, is time lost and will not return to you again.
  1. Take time to spend time with your family. Make sure you take at least one day a week, to go on a picnic together, or a drive in the country. Be with your kids and spouse and leave your cell phone at home.
  2. Remember dates, and celebrate birthdays together. Remember that your child, who may be 5 years old today, will never be that age again. Share with them their interests. Read to them, talk to them and hug them. Before you know it, they will be grown and will be too embarrassed to be hugged by a parent.
  3. Make a special dinner for your husband,and set the table with the good dishes that you save for company. The best company that you can entertain is your own family, and your own husband.
  4. Bring home a gift for your wife. Remember how excited you were, when you were dating and could not wait to see her. Relive that day, and make that day special again. She still loves flowers, so make sure you bring home a bouquet at least once a week. Surprises bring affection and a lasting relationship.
  5. Laugh together. It is easier to laugh than fight. Remember that time is fleeing, so enjoy what you can, together, now!! Do not wait until tomorrow, as tomorrow may never come.
  6. Stop! Take a deep breath! Look around you, your home, your family, your pets and appreciate them. Working too late, or rushing around, therefore missing your child's hockey game, or little league or their piano recital will remain in their minds forever. Find time to share with them, whenever it comes. Come home early no matter what, just to be there for your child.
  7. Stop and smell the roses, because before you know it, the roses have withered and wilted and have gone forever.
(How to Stop and Smell the Flowers on WikiHow)


Take Time to Smell the Roses

Ce serait un proverbe russe mais je l'ai entendu pour la première fois en anglais : il signifie qu'il est nécessaire au bonheur humain de savoir apprécier les moindres petites choses. Il signifie aussi que si un petit instant est raté, comme une rose, il disparaitra et ne reviendra pas.
  • Take a brisk, early morning walk in spring and summer when the streets are quieter than usual, so you can hear the birds, smell the fragrances and feel the fresh air on your skin. If you have a backyard, sit quietly in the early morning light. Absorb the beauty that is around you.
  • When you meet people during the course of your day, say good things. Instead of complaining, commenting: how annoying the weather is, how bad the restaurant is, how lazy your family is, how rotten you are feeling, etc., try to make others feel good about themselves. When you utter cheerful comments, others become energized and that energy returns to you.
  • Dress to suit yourself. Mix and match clothes that express who you are today. Wear colors that make you feel uplifted or relaxed. Treat yourself periodically to new accessories to feel special; give yourself these gifts. In fact, find an accessory that expresses who you are- that people can identify with you. It could be as simple as a fragrance which is unique to you or an animal necklace that you always wear. The animal represents you- who you are or who you would like to be.
  • Exercise to the point of being in the flow. Moving as one complete unit mind and body-effortlessly generates happiness and inspiration. We are more receptive of intuitive signals similar to a moving meditation.
  • Eat slowly. You don't need a fancy, expensive dental contraption to help you eat slowly. Create an attractive place setting and use a small spoon and fork. Chew your food slowly. Really taste the flavors and sense the different textures. Don't eat; dine.
  • Laugh about your shortcomings. You don't need to take yourself so seriously. If you are developing your self-esteem, then you can be amused by your own nature.
  • Hold yourself accountable for your choices. Don't give away your power.
  • Stay focused and interested in whatever you are doing. Do it with complete attention and care.
  • Realize that you possess nothing: Lovers, children, a house, furniture, or a car. When you make peace with this thought, you release yourself from bondage. You can never lose what you do not possess. Everything is a loan.
  • Take risks. Don't lose your swagger.
  • Let go of the need to be right.
(How to Wake Up and Smell the Roses, by Debbie Mandel)
Author's Bio - Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WHLI 1100AM in New York City , produces a weekly wellness newsletter, and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media. To learn more visit:
  • fais une promenade matinale à bonne allure au printemps et en été quand les rues sont plus calmes que d'habitude, de manière à entendre les oiseaux, sentir les parfums et ressentir l'air frais sur ta peau. Si tu as un jardin, assied-toi tranquillement dans la lumière du petit matin. Absorbe la beauté autour de toi.
  • quand tu rencontres des gens dans le courant de ta journée, dis de bonnes choses. Au lieu de te plaindre, de commenter : le temps énervant, le restaurant mauvais, ta famille paresseuse, toi qui es patraque, etc., essaie de faire en sorte que les autres se sentent bien. Quand tu fais des commentaires joyeux, les autres retrouvent de l'énergie et cette énergie t'est retournée.
  • habille-toi pour que ça te corresponde. Combine et assortis des habits qui expriment ce que tu es aujourd'hui. Porte des couleurs qui te requinquent ou te détendent. Offre-toi de temps en temps de nouveaux accessoires pour te sentir spécial ; offre-toi ces cadeaux. En fait, trouve un accessoire qui exprime qui tu es- que les gens puissent identifier à toi. Ca peut être aussi simple qu'un parfum qui est unique pour toi ou un collier-animal que tu portes toujours. L'animal te représente- qui tu es ou qui tu voudrais être.
  • fais de l'exercice pour être comme tout le monde. Se comporter comme une unité complète d'esprit et de corps- sans se forcer, génère du bonheur et de l'inspiration. On est plus réceptif aux signaux intuitifs semblables à une méditation en mouvement.
  • mange lentement. Tu n'as pas besoin d'un machin dentaire spécial et cher pour manger lentement. Crée un endroit attractif et utilise de petites cuillière et fourchette. Mâche lentement la nourriture. Goûte vraiment les saveurs et sens les différentes textures. Ne mange-pas ; dine.
  • ris de tes défauts. Tu n'as pas besoin de te prendre autant au sérieux. Si tu développes ton amour-propre, tu peux t'amuser de ta nature.
  • sois responsable de tes choix. Ne laisse pas échapper ton pouvoir.
  • reste concentré et intéressé par ce que tu fais quoique ce soit. Fais-le avec une attention et un soin entiers.
  • dis-toi bien que tu ne possèdes rien : des êtres aimés, des enfants, une maison, des meubles ou une voiture. Quand tu te seras fait à cette pensée, tu te libèreras des liens. Tu ne peux pas perdre ce que tu ne possèdes pas. Tout est un prêt.
  • prends des risques. Ne perds pas ta démarche arrogante.
  • fonce vers le besoin d'être dans le vrai.
